
Crafted in Metal Works and drops as loot from certain creatures aswell as Gaia Beacons..

Bronze Hatchet
+25% damage and +25% harvest compared to vanilla.

Brass Hatchet
+50% damage and +75% harvest compared to vanilla.

Titanium Hatchet
+100% damage and +250% harvest compared to vanilla.

Bronze Pick
+25% damage and +25% harvest compared to vanilla.

Brass Pick
+50% damage and +75% harvest compared to vanilla.

Titanium Pick
+100% damage and +250% harvest compared to vanilla.

Steel Sickle
+75% damage and +100% harvest compared to vanilla.

Crystal Pick
+100% damage compare to vanilla and will harvest Gaia metals from metalnodes.

Magic Pick
Will harvest Angler Gel from dead creatures and light up the area around you.

Carcass Grinder
Tool for harvesting keratin from creatures and narcoberries from tree’s.

Steel Tomahawk
+75% damage and +100% harvest compared to vanilla.

Magic Tomahawk
Will harvest Silica Pearls from metal nodes and light up the area around you.

Reusable Grapple Hook
Can shoot as far as the eye can see. Reuseable.

Gaia Parachute

Gaia Bola
Reuseable Bola that will apply momentum to big pawns aswell(dragweight 900). 5 seconds cooldown.

Gaia Canteen
Can store 10 times the water as regular Canteen.

Gaia Scissors

Gaia Super Spyglass
Displays creatures stats.

Shows which levels are put into a creatures stats. This is built in into all Gaia creatures but acn be used on vanilla or other mods creatures aswell. Crafted in your inventory.

Gaia Signal Gun
Infinite ammo

Gaia Multitool
Multiple tools in one, with increased harvest multipliers that’ll never break!

Gaia Torch
Lights up an area 3 times bigger than regular torch and loses no durability when used. Crafted in your inventory.

Gaia PickUp Relic
Remote use it in your dino’s inventory to toggle “Pick Up” option in radial menu. Crafted in your inventory.

Gaia Dino Shrinker
Shrinks any creature when equipped. Crafted in Alchemy Table.

Bone Sickle
Same as vanilla sickle but can be learned at level 15 and requires no metal to craft. Crafted in your inventory.

Crystal Pick
Crystal Pickaxe, use this on metal nodes to obtain Gaia Metals. Crafted in Metal Works.